Surgery and Anesthesia

The Animal Care Centre performs a variety of elective (spays and neuters) and non-elective surgeries (such as lump removals). We have a dedicated surgery suite so it is able to be kept as clean as possible for sterile surgeries and to lessen chances of complications such as infections. Surgical preparation for surgeries involves shaving off your pet’s hair and then doing multiple scrubs to clean the area and this is done in our treatment area (outside of surgery).


General anesthesia involves not only the anesthetic machine itself but also endotracheal tubes to place in your pet’s windpipe to maintain the anesthesia. We monitor your pet carefully under anesthesia to keep your pet as safe as possible and to ensure a smooth and rapid recovery. We measure respiration (breathing), pulse, blood pressure, temperature and oxygen in their blood and chart these every five minutes.


Intravenous catheters and fluids are also used during anesthesia and surgery to keep your pet safe by protecting their blood pressure, have access to the vein for medications, to help maintain blood pressure and to help with speedy recovery.