In-House Laboratory



Our in-house laboratory allows us to get results about your pet’s condition quickly and accurately. Our Registered Veterinary Technologists are trained to use our blood machines, microscopes and how to interpret what they see under them. Our blood machines measure such parameters as white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, liver, kidneys and blood sugar (among others). This can help to diagnose and treat your pet if he or she is ill or to be sure they are healthy (or to keep them healthy) while they are under general anesthesia. It can also be a part of your senior wellness appointment to be sure your older cat or dog is not hiding any diseases as they age.

We also perform urinalyses to give us information on such conditions as urinary tract infections or kidney disease. Our lab also can perform fecal analyses to be sure your pet does not have parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms or Giardia. Ear infections are common and knowing what is the cause of the problem (ear mites, yeast or bacterial infections) can help us to treat most effectively and this can be performed in our laboratory.